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Summon the warrior within


Your deepest wound reveals your greatest capacity to heal...

Chiron sheds light on the inner workings of our soul journey - specifically illuminating our source of infinite power. The story of Chiron is rooted in mythology and leveraged by astrology and spiritual seekers to understand our own individual stories of trauma, power, and healing.

Chiron’s alignment and your healing journey…


What does Chiron mean for you?

Astrology is both an art and a science.

Here’s the science: Each one of us has a natal chart, which is a calculated map of the sky at the time of our birth. No two natal charts are the same - even for identical twins.

The location of Chiron in your natal chart sheds light on where your most painful soul wound exists, as well as your greatest capacity to heal not only yourself, but also for others. If we are willing to embark on the pursuit of healing, we give ourselves the power to heal AND we also unlock our infinite power to heal others by lighting the way on their paths.

Here’s the art: The interpretation of Chiron in your natal chart, which is where I step in. As a trained astrologer with a deep connection to Chiron, I facilitate the understanding of Chiron’s message for you and provide guidance to support you in honing your healing powers.


Hi! I’m Brandi.

When I reflect on the early years of my life, I remember my childhood as a time overflowing with creativity, joy, pure wonder, and a strong sense of connection with my inner and outer worlds. Despite a troubling childhood, I felt held by the universe and infinitely capable of loving others. My very essence exuded this light.

Somewhere along the line though, the synergy between myself and all other forms of life as I had experienced slowly disintegrated. The script was flipped. An overemphasis on the mind replaced a previous immense appreciation for the heart, and I lost myself. Over the course of significant trials and tribulations, my sense of femininity was turned inside out. I lost my voice, my power. I scoffed at my recollection of childhood because that piece of me felt so far outside my grasp. I believed in pursuits of the mind and intellect only, and I allowed scar tissue to consume the very air that was previously devoted to sustaining my breath and self-love. I abandoned myself; I disassociated from my femininity and over-rotated on my divine masculine. This, I thought, was what it meant to be a warrior.

But souls can’t flourish on a diet that only feeds the mind. And slowly but surely, I crumbled. And humbly, I found myself very far down a long, arduous, and painful quest to reunite with the elements of myself that I had lost. Once I accepted that the tools I had leveraged to survive were not going to be the same tools that would unleash my innate ability to thrive, I finally re-entered the world of true healing. I reconnected with my childhood love of crystals and began to feel a surge of healing energy coursing my veins. I dove back into studying astrology, believing that the answers to my boundless, philosophical, meaning-packed questions existed within the stars. And that’s where I met Chiron. Throughout my healing journey, I not only found my light again, but I also discovered my divine purpose: By healing my wounds and taking back my power, I am able to support others in cultivating their own healing. Summoning the warrior within means transmuting darkness through acceptance, compassion, and dedication to ascension.

I created Healing Chiron to be a channel, a way for me to share the tools that truly saved my life, in an attempt to light the path for others. There is an undeniable collective element to our individual healing; we are wounded in relationship with others, but we can also heal in relationship with each other. On this journey, we are forging the most humanly beautiful pathway to love, light, and healing. Together.


How can I be of service to you?


Tarot Readings

From traditional tarot to more new-age Oracle decks, our higher selves and spirit guides have divine guidance and wisdom to share with us… if we ask. Tarot readings provide the opening for higher messages to help you summon the warrior within.


Chakra Reading and Balancing

Non-traditional, alternative techniques such as reiki and crystal healing have fueled healing pursuits for hundreds of years. As a trained Master Reiki Healer and certified advanced Crystal Healing Practitioner, I am equipped to share these incredible modalities with you and support you throughout your healing journey.

Astrology Chart Readings

Our natal charts provide insight into our spirit’s reason for incarnating on Earth for this lifetime. Gain a better understanding of your soul’s journey and the source of your ultimate healing gifts through an astrological chart reading session.


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Healing is a conscious choice. Our wounds are the birthplace of our unique power and strength. Reclaiming our power brings us back to ourselves and empowers us to create meaningful connections with each other.
— Brandi | Founder of Healing Chiron