Moon Phase Reflection
Life’s superficial aspects have never occupied any interesting arena for me or resembled anything remotely close to captivation to any degree. And trust me, I have tried to wrap myself in brevity and internalize the definition of lightheartedness more times than I may even consciously realize. All attempts to do so proved futile though, as the only consistency to my experience has been this magnitude of intensity coursing my veins, manifesting like wildfire spreading rapidly across terrains that quite frankly needed the state-altering transformation. Fires for which I have spent much time apologizing... perhaps too much time.
This soulful shapeshifting initiated from this longstanding challenge I could feel rising to the surface for quite some time. When I allowed externalities to dissipate and space to be created for my internal intricacies, there was a voice demanding to be heard. A voice offering an invitation to open up and dismantle the notions that I have outgrown. A voice I am rediscovering and learning to amplify by giving myself permission to set fire to depleted mindsets in pursuit of reinvention and creating platforms to further encourage the proliferation of truth, awareness, and expansion.
My journey is now running parallel with our universal, natural forces at play - only detected by lovers of the stars and believers in the planets - which are offering all of us a window for meaningful examination to wash away pieces that no longer serve us. What permissions have you been seeking and how can you grant them for yourself? What rules have you learned and which of them need breaking? In which networks have you found yourself entangled, and do those circles remain in alignment with you? Sometimes change requires a fiery element for peace to be found in the rubble; sometimes change comes in boundless, guiding forces like water - offering free-flowing release by gently eroding what no longer serves you but always leading you back to you. In what ways do you need elevating so that you can in turn elevate others?